Thursday, June 18, 2015

“We are not divided. All one body we.”

Hymn: “Onward, Christian Soldiers” – Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924)

Due to the militaristic allusions in this hymn, it is sung less frequently among Christian church congregations. The battle implications are obviously against the troops of Satan’s army, but somehow we have attached this to those negative events in the news where folks who call themselves Christians attack groups and causes, marching onward as to war!

Divisiveness is not a goal of the church… although there are some who seem to make it their cause. There are so many calls to unity in Scripture, and there are no admonitions to infighting or division. Though we often attribute the quote to Abraham Lincoln, his “a house divided against itself cannot stand” is directly from the lips of Jesus (Mark 3:25, Luke 11:7).

Unity is a state to which we aspire, but realistically with all the denominationalism and splintering of that “one body we,” congregations almost sing an un-truth here. I think when I sing this hymnline, I am internally picturing the group with which I am worshiping, especially when I continue with the following line: “One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.” As the church universal, we ARE one in hope and one in charity… but not one in doctrine. However, that basic difference need not be divisive; it should not throw us off course from BEING one body.

The more I have ventured outside my growing-up denomination (Baptist), I realize that our differences are not so much theological or doctrinal as they are governance/organization and practice. There are fewer differences than there are similarities – even agreements.

For sure, we are united in our stand against the Evil One himself and against all malevolence and ungodliness. These locked-arm assaults reunite us and undivided us. Indeed, the battle against Satan is one which requires a united front “marching as to war with the cross of Jesus going on before,” because when we triumph, Satan’s army is scattered as they flee. While they are forced to regroup, we can make some progress for good.

Perhaps we are due a reformation – a re-formation of the body of Christ under the banner of the cross, moving ever forward against the forces of evil in our world, especially the one who designs it and inspires its continuation and growth.

Though these words are not as poetic and do not fit a metered-scheme, perhaps we should sing: “We don’t want to be divided any more. We want to be one body.”

Speaking of diversity, listen to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing this hymn.

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)