Friday, June 5, 2015

"Savior, teach me day by day."

Hymn: “Savior, Teach Me Day by Day” – Jane E. Leeson (1807-1882)
Typical Tune: POSEN

This seems to be a simple, adequate prayer for any day. It speaks for itself, and I probably should let it. But I feel the need to add a thought or two!

I semi-retired for several reasons, but one was to slow down and be a little less busy. That has not happened. I’m as busy (or busier) than ever; I am just paid less for the work I do!

I would like to be more like Mary and less like her sister Martha. I have a tendency to be so busy – albeit many times with worthy, noble tasks – that I miss out on the opportunity to sit quietly and listen to what Jesus has to say. Mary has sometimes gotten the bad rap for having neglected the housework (preparing meals, etc.) for the visit of Jesus while Martha bustled around the kitchen. Others say Martha should have slowed down and taken advantage of listening to the words of their very special Visitor.

After Martha’s murmurings about Mary’s inattention to all the details of her duties, Jesus is pretty profound in his response: “Martha, Martha. You are worried and upset about too many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and I will not take that privilege away from her." (Luke 10:41-42)

Jesus was a friend of their family. The two sisters and their brother Lazarus seem to have a long-term relationship with Jesus that transcended the occasional attendance at one of his sermons or participation in one of his grand-scale meal provisions. Jesus knew their ‘natures’. Before Martha invited him over for dinner, he knew which sister would be taking which role.

Life requires a balance of work and reflection… of busy-ness and listening/learning. For fear of appearing lazy, we may over-work and under-reflect. Monasticism is not an option for most of us and is not what Jesus is calling for. He does, however, say that taking time out to be a student of his teachings is the “better” option – a privilege he will not rescind.

His commonly-used earthly name “Teacher” was one of respect (Rabbi), but it was also descriptive of how his followers viewed him.

There is a lesson to be learned today, and Jesus wants to teach it to us. Let’s un-frenzy ourselves and absorb whatever he sends our way. Then when the testing comes, we will more likely be prepared.

            Savior, teach me day by day love’s sweet lesson to obey.
            Sweeter lesson cannot be: loving him who first loved me.

Originally Posted 09/10/2013

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)