Monday, August 25, 2014

“My song shall ever be: how marvelous, how wonderful is my Savior’s love for me.”

Hymn: “I Stand Amazed in the Presence” – Words and Music by Charles H. Gabriel (1856-1932)

First of all, if you are the worship leader at your church, never let the congregation SIT to sing this hymn. Just sayin’!

We’re sort of back to that song-that-never-ends idea here.

When the question is asked in a Bible study group, “What is your favorite attribute of God?”, the most common response is going to be his love. Some of us will try to come up with something more profound (like omnipresence or immutability), but down deep we simply want to say, “His love for me.” [Below I have listed Spurgeon’s list of the attributes of God, just in case you’re interested!]

The first thing the nursery teacher repeated to you in Sunday School was “Jesus loves you.” The first song you ever learned was probably “Jesus Loves Me.” Hymnal and chorus-books are filled with songs that tell us about how much God loves us… and give us many opportunities to say how much we love him. The love of God is so ingrained in our spirit, our psyche and our vocabulary, we can hardly escape it, even if we tried – and why would we?

As I sing this hymn, each time we come to the refrain, my faith is brightened – even renewed – by the two descriptors: marvelous and wonderful. I’ve probably sung this hymn a thousand times in my lifetime – corporately or to myself -- and still… still these two words grab me by the heart and throw me about the room because they are so spot-on and commensurate with my own personal worship love language.

Any time you have fifteen extra seconds today, stop and sing the refrain of this hymn… or sing it while you go about your work. If it doesn’t raise the ends of your lips, we need to talk!

From the Gaither Tent Revival Video

Chris Tomlin Leads an Introspective Setting of This Hymn

C. H. Spurgeon’s Attributes of God:
•    Eternal
•    Faithfulness
•    Foreknowing
•    Good
•    Holy
•    Immutable
•    Impartial    
•    Incomprehensible   
•    Infinite 
•    Jealous   
•    Justice   
•    Longsuffering
•    Omnipotent 
•    Omnipresent  
•    Omniscient
•    Righteous   
•    Self-existent   
•    Self-sufficient   
•    Sovereign   
•    Transcendent
•    Truth
•    Wise
•    Wrath   
•    Love   
•    Mercy

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)