Thursday, July 11, 2019

"His oath, his covenant, his blood support me in the whelming flood."

Hymn - "The Solid Rock" ("My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less") - Edward Mote (17971874)

"Everybody needs a support system." How many times have you heard this? Inside and outside the family of faith, we are reminded from lectern and pulpit, white-board and online media that we cannot go it alone -- that we need a support system.

The beginning line of stanza three of this gospel song gives us a pretty basic overview of how we find that much-needed underpinning from the "hope that is built on nothing less than Jesus." He has promised [given us his oath] to be there for us until the end of time ("Lo, I am with you always."), we have covenanted with him to follow his commandments and to make him Lord. And last in this threesome, he and only was the blood sacrifice on our behalf at Calvary's altar, acting as the Lamb of God.

In the whelming eddies of life - churning, spinning, swirling about us - we may find ourselves singing this short hymnline to bring us a calming assurance that at least our spiritual life will not collapse because we have this sacred support system. "When all around my soul gives way", Jesus stays put.

We all need our friends, our family members, our church family... even near-strangers... to serve as a support system. But for those of us who believe, these pale in comparison to that Solid Rock.

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)