Thursday, February 8, 2018

“Always looking on his smiling face, that is why I shout and sing.”

Hymn: “He Keeps Me Singing” – Words & Music by Luther Bridgers (1884-1948)

Have you ever noticed how much difference a smiling face makes? We all know it is always better to smile than to scowl, but sometimes we Christians forget!

We were at the local Chili’s one Sunday after church. Our buzzer went off to let us know our table was ready. As we vacated the little bench we had occupied for several minutes, a gentleman – no, there was nothing gentle about this man – almost knocked us down taking our obviously much-coveted spot by the bar. I glanced in his direction and held back from saying what I wanted to say lest a Texas bar fight break out. He had the ultimate unhappy, mad-at-the-world look on his face. I admit, I didn’t give him a smile, but just kept following the hostess to our table.

I wondered to myself if that guy had probably been in church a while earlier, singing in the choir, taking up the offering, or (God forbid) standing in the pulpit!

All of that to say that we who represent Christ in the world should have a visage that matches his… that compassionate, pleasant look that we all seem to share with newborns and small children. It is often a look that we don’t share as often with our peers.

While feasting on the riches of his grace and resting beneath his sheltering wings, I keep my attention on his smiling face which gives me good reason to shout and sing. So says the song.

If you have seen the smiling face of Jesus, pass it along to someone else. Pay it forward. Make sure you don’t grab it and hold it for yourself, your children/spouse, or the people who accompany you to weekly worship. You may even have to smile at some guy who topples you in the waiting area of a local restaurant!

See Jesus’ smile? Share it regularly.

Sung straight-forward by Mennonites

Sung with a 40’s swing by Babbie Mason

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)