Thursday, May 18, 2017

"How he loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, never more."

Hymn: “O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” – Samuel Trevor Francis (1834-1925)

In describing this deep, deep love of Jesus, Samuel Francis uses some great descriptors:

Tuckaleechee Caverns - Townsend, Tennessee
  • ·         Vast
  • ·         Unmeasured
  • ·         Boundless
  • ·         Free
  • ·         Mighty
  • ·         Full
  • ·         Underneath me
  • ·         All around me.

I suppose we can’t talk (or write) enough about the love of Jesus; obviously, we can’t sing enough about it! It is, you recall, something that only his loved ones know. Beyond explanation or comprehension, the love of Jesus is in every way too precious to put into words! But we keep trying, we who think "the ink of the writer is more powerful than the blood of the martyr."

In my part of Tennessee, we have lots of caverns – incredible creations of God turned into tourist attractions. These made for wonderful field trips during elementary school days. Nothing quite as grand as Carlsbad, but every bit as fascinating. Most were inhabited at one time long ago by native Americans which added to my personal interest in them, even as a child: age-old smoke stains still clinging to the ceilings in the large ‘rooms.’

After paying a modest fee, we would begin our descent into the lower regions of the earth, following a guide dressed in a faux park ranger uniform. We’d finally arrived at the end of the tour, and he would flip a light-switch and plunge us into deep darkness. That was my least favorite part, by the way! It was realizing among all those stalactites and stalagmites that I was deep inside the planet – that’s what I loved.

Those are the memories which come back to me when I sing this hymn about the deep, deep love of Jesus. 
But today’s hymn-line that Jesus ever, ever loves and never, never changes – this is the one I am drawn to. I admit that I wonder if the writer borrowed that nevermore word from Edgar Allen Poe! Even if he did, I love his use of it here.There is something about the always-ness of God that attracts me to him and in turn, causes me to try to attract others to him.

Quoth the hymnwriter, “Nevermore.”

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)