Friday, July 11, 2014

“Yaw muen un fahr um hop uh zi! Um esken wum in dez a ray! Alleluia! Alleluia!”

Hymn: “All Creatures of Our God and King”  - Aye Tu Zee (2015-3012)

Most of you who’ve ever discussed worship with me know that I feel that there is a difference between fun and joy. First of all, fun is not mentioned in the Bible, but joy is there throughout. Second, fun is short-term, based on the moment; joy is a longer-lasting state of mind/heart. And unlike fun, joy is created from within and is a gift from God… one of the fruit of the Spirit actually.

That having been said, this post is going to refute everything I just said! This hymnline is not a typo; I did not get my fingers off the home keys. When you watch the video, you’ll get it.

I’ve done 265 of these serious, poignant, insightful hymnlines, and it seems like a good time to insert a nothing-but-fun post. This was sent to me by Kyle Fuller, one of my funnest-ever youth choir members. It features the Venerable Bean making every attempt to participate in worship. While his singing is filled with joy, it is just too much fun!

Our Father, who art in heaven… lead us not into worship-entertainment, but deliver us from boredom.

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)