Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Even when my heart is breaking, he, my comfort, helps my soul."

Hymn: “Jesus! What a Friend of Sinners” – J. Wilbur Chapman (1859-1918)
Typical Tune: HYRFYDOL

Try to wipe Billy Ray Cyrus’ “Achy Breaky Heart” out of your mind for a minute, and let’s deal with the reality of heartbreak, a dilemma in which we have all found ourselves – maybe many times. It’s that feeling that someone has taken each end of your emotional center and wrenched it against itself to the point that it seems to be broken. Always we think it has been damaged beyond repair. Some heartbreak is everlasting. but thankfully, most of the time it is short-lived… even momentary. Either way, for the one who is experiencing the sprain, the feeling is deep and genuine.

Sometimes this injury comes of our own doing; sometimes it is from outside. There are times that we cannot identify the true source or the break, but we know it is happening.

Even then – EVEN THEN Christ is our comfort, helping us bounce back, reviving our soul.

Heartbreak is a difficult thing to discuss with our fellow human confidants. It seems we turn quickly to the One who hears and understands us inside-out. I admit that I have rarely experienced an anguish of this kind that Christ did not come to my aid. Having a little talk with Jesus usually makes it right… at least bearable. It may not repair the relationship or mend the situation… but we DO feel a certain peace or comfort, and we are rewarded with strength for today and bright hope for the next conflict.

Hymns can do so much more for us than songs written for country music clubs. And lines like this one can resonate in our ears just when we need to be reminded that our Christ whose heart was broken more than once can identify with our own despair… and be our comfort.

Even when my heart is breaking… ahhhh. 

Hallelujah, what a promise! Hallelujah, what a hope! Hallelujah, what a Savior!

This Hymn by the Gaither Vocal Band

Wayne Watson’s “Friend of a Broken Heart”… in case you’re having that kind of day!



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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)