Thursday, April 28, 2016

"What seems each time I tell it more wonderfully sweet."

Hymn: “I Love to Tell the Story” – Katherine Hankey (1834-1911)

I feel like I should start by having everyone get your hankey out, but this is not an overly-emotional hymn!

This hymnline follows the line “I love to tell the story, ‘tis pleasant to repeat.” For those of us who have heard the old, old story of Jesus and his love since the Cradle Roll department, the repetition might seem to wear us down and become boring and less interesting… even less meaningful. For me at least, that is not the case. I just can’t get enough of those stories of Jesus’ teaching, healing, raising the dead, calming the sea, holding children in his lap, caring for the disadvantaged, praying – and eventually dying and rising.

Over the years as a minister in the local church, I’ve had opportunities to re-tell those stories in so many ways: through music, pageants, worship vignettes, etc. I’ve also been privileged to recount those events to adult classes and youth groups. But my favorite story-times have been with children to whom some of the accounts are fresh, never before heard. Their bright-eyed wonder at Christ’s ability to walk on water or call Lazarus from the grave – those are the times that are truly “more wonderfully sweet.”

Today’s hymnline may bring back memories of your growing-up years; you may call to mind a favorite Sunday School teacher or missions-group leader. As warm and fuzzy as that may be, let this hymn also remind you to continue to be totally fascinated by the life and ministry of the Son of God. Be sure it has not waned in importance or interest… or in its effect on how you live your life as a reflection of his. May that wide-eyed wonder return to us who are long separated from our childhood in terms of years… but closer than ever in our captivation by things holy.

Emily Lou Harris and Robert Duvall Sing This Hymn

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)