Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"When I took him at his word, forgiv'n he lifted me."

Hymn: “In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came” – Words & Music by Charles H. Gabriel (1856-1932)

The title of this hymn (the first line) sends out a strong message about the way Jesus came… and continues to enter… our struggling world: in a kindness based out of love – an intense affection only possible through the power of God at work in his life. We’re back to that image of the Son of God gently making his entrance among his people. He did not barge in and take over with fanfare or bombast. So far as we know from his Word, everything about him was kind, intentional, filled with grace and truth.

If we take him at his word (or Word), we find him willing and able to redeem us. Questioning is not a bad thing; it is in fact a healthy faith exercise. Doubt on the other hand… not so much. The opposite of taking him at his word is doubting the core of his message… disbelieving that he can work a miracle in our lives.

My dad, Raymond, was known to be a man of his word. In my earliest years I recall his making land deals and buying cars with a down-payment and a handshake. He got burned a few times, but as far as I know, he never went back on his word.

The Lord Christ was and is known to be a man of his word. In our case, he has accepted our admission of estrangement, and in place of a handshake has handed us forgiveness for those actions and attitudes which have separated us from his holiness. And the best news is that he does this for us every day: he has promised to keep on forgiving us – we have his word on that.

Need a lift? Yeah, me too. Let’s take him at his word, accept his loving, kind forgiveness, and be elevated by tender hand from sinking sand. When it’s all said and done, we can sing, “O praise his name! He lifted me.”

This Hymn Played at the Piano

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)