Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"Mercy higher than the heavens, deeper than the deepest sea."

Hymn: “All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus” – Words & Music Thoro Harris (1873-1955)

The more I talk to friends nearer my age, I realize how many of us grew up with an uncomfortable fear of an angry God. I never heard Jonathan Edwards preach, but I think his sermon must have still been reverberating throughout many churches in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. Many of us were guilted into many (if not most) of our spiritual decision-making. I’m not exactly sure why, but it seems to be a negative common denominator for my generation of evangelicals.

When I actually came face to face with the mercy of God as revealed and demonstrated through his Son, it was as if some bright light went off in my head/heart, and maybe for the first time, I got it. The cross-event took on a different meaning, my reason for being in the kingdom had a new significance, and my outlook on all of life shifted. My opinion on God was broadened, and so was my acceptance of other kingdom people.

This higher-than-the-heavens, deeper-than-the-deepest-sea mercy is worth more of our attention. We should never lose sight of THAT feature of God, because when we do, we are blinded to the real greatness of God. I’ve said before that mercy and grace are two of my favorite attributes of God, and here I am saying it again – partly for my own benefit – to keep me from falling back into my guilt-ridden judgmental old self.

When I “talk God” with my closest comrades in the faith, I am warmed by the fact that we share a better, positive common denominator: we share the height and depth of mercy – and from that commonality springs joy… and peace that passes human understanding.

We people of God should not be known for our anger, judgmentalism, narrowness, exclusiveness – but for our mercy and acceptance… like that of the Savior to whom we claim total allegiance. Then when we stand to sing hymnlines like this one, we will mean it!

Hear This Hymn Sung by Women’s Group

Originally Posted 10/18/2013

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)