Tuesday, July 21, 2015

“Her charter of salvation: one Lord, one faith, one birth.”

“Her charter of salvation: one Lord, one faith, one birth.”

Hymn: “The Church’s One Foundation” – Samuel E. Stone (1839-1900)

The Beatles sang, “One is the loneliest number…”; however, this hymn’s second stanza negates that sentiment, reminding us that people from every nation are now one o’er all the earth, that the church blesses one holy name and partakes one holy food, and that we press forward in one united hope. The centerpiece statement about our one-ness is today’s hymnline: we share one Lord, one faith, and one birth… actually one re-birth!

Most every organization has a charter – a document which sets out its basic purpose. The charter declares “why” this group is being formed; from its very beginning, these people are associating themselves toward this end… or these commitments. According to Samuel Stone’s hymn which crosses all denominational lines, the charter of the church (made up of people who share in the salvation of Christ) is to share
•    only one Lord – that is Christ himself
•    one common faith – a reliance on that same Christ… an ultimate trust in him
•    a one-time, born-again experience.

Probably no other single stanza speaks more directly to the unity of the church. In thirty-nine words, our commonality is underscored; every time we sing those thirty-nine words, the One Word is highlighted as we recommit ourselves to the basic charter of our salvation – a charter which unites and does not divide.

So, one is NOT the loneliest number. In fact, we are never alone when we cast our lot with other believers, other pilgrims on the journey. And we are never looking out for “number one” (ourselves), because that would not be in keeping with the example modeled for us by our One Lord. Instead, we are looking out for the real “Number One,” in our worship, our fellowship, and our ministry.

The only foam finger we need is one that points to Christ, who is still our One Foundation.

King’s College Choir Sings This Hymn

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)