Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment, I've no cause for worry or for fear."

 Hymn: "Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment" - Caroline V. Sandell-Berg (1832-1903); translated from the German by A. L. Strong (1856-1934)

This is one of my break-out hymns. It ministered to me at a time in my life when I thought I had hit rock-bottom. No encouraging words or pats on the back could shake me loose. But driving through the streets of Denver playing a cassette (yes, cassette) of Cynthia Clawson singing this hymn brought me to such tears that I had to pull over from the traffic and let it rinse me clean.

This hymn-line reminds me that we quite simply have to trust what God has given us, believing that his gifts were bestowed upon us in HIS wisdom for OUR purpose in HIS kingdom. Then we need to gird up our loins and get on with our lives without worry or fear. I've already admitted that I still fight with worry and fear, so I won't go there again. I will, however, say that when I accept that my God is the most-wise God, my fear levels are lowered considerably.

I was one of those ministers of music to whom God had not bestowed a glorious singing voice. In fact, although I felt a tugging (a calling) toward the ministry of music, I kept telling myself that I couldn't do that because all my music minister heroes were also great singers. Convinced that I should take it on anyway, I realized that I had some strong gifts for teaching and administration, and those were the backbone of my forty-plus years in that position. I couldn't fall back on my own, personal talent; I had to instead be sure I had everyone else ready. I found that I could coordinate most any event to almost seamless proportions! I trusted my Father's wise bestowment and went for it...rarely, if ever, singing a solo!

Later in the hymn, we sing, "E'er to take as from a father's hand, one by one, the days, the moments fleeting." We recognize that as our heavenly Father, Jehovah is handing out the blessings one by one at just the appropriate time to empower in our weakness. Life is going by at break-neck speed for most of us, and we often feel that nothing is going to rescue us as we perish underneath the load of everyday commitments -- at school, at work, with our family and friends... even at church!

The Father knows best. We have to keep reminding ourselves of that. And because he knows best, we have to trust his wisdom with as little worry and fear as possible. Today's phrase to repeat in uncertain moments: "Father, knows best. Father knows best. Father knows..."

Listen to This Hymn
Sung by a Ladies Mennonite Choir

Originally Posted 7/15/2013

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)