Friday, February 6, 2015

“God gives a song in the night season and all the day long.”

Hymn: “God Leads Us Along” – Words and music by G. A. Young

Although this hymn is about how God leads his dear children along through life’s struggles, this is how the refrain ends, completing each stanza with the God-provided gift of song! This is the kind of hymn with which we retired ministers of music resonate!

I wish I could calculate the number of times a song has pulled me through a “night season.” For me, it has most often been a line from a hymn; that’s basically why I started this blog in the first place!

Several years ago, I realized that the contemporary scene in church music had invaded my traditional space. It happened when in the midst of confusion and seeming helplessness I caught myself singing, “Nothing is too difficult for Thee,” (from the chorus “Ah, Lord God”). At that dark, pivotal moment, God gave me a new song… new to me at the time.

I am thankful for the Word of God and its ability to minister to me in times of difficulty. I am also grateful to those who write the hymns and songs that come to me in shady green pastures and in the valley in the darkest of night. Through waters, flood, fire, great sorrow – I am often led out by a song, sung to me by the Inventor of sound. And with a God-breathed song in my heart I can face whatever the long day might bring my way.

From the Gaither Homecoming

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)