Friday, September 19, 2014

“’Tis music in the sinner’s ear, ‘tis life and health and peace.”

Hymn: “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” – Charles Wesley (1792-1788)
Main Tune: AZMON

The name of Jesus, according to this Wesleyan hymnline is music in the sinner’s ear, and it is life, health and peace.

This hymnline seems to indicate that upon realizing the saving power of Christ, the one entering the kingdom hears the name of Jesus in an entirely different way. Where once they may have discounted him, scoffed at him, refused him, or (as with Paul) attacked Christ and his followers, NOW the very name of Jesus takes on a beauty which is almost like music.

In so many Broadway show tunes and pop music, when the performer describes falling in love, they often speak of it as hearing music from some far-off, distant place: “I hear music, and there’s no one there.”  And “Whenever you’re near, I hear a symphony.” Long before any of those songs, Wesley’s take on this was that when someone realizes the height, depth, breadth and width of the love of Christ (Ephesians 3:18), they have a similar reaction.

Fortunately for those of us who (though still sinners) have been redeemed, the beat goes on! When we hear the name of Jesus, we still warm at the thought – and we musicians hear music… usually a hymn, I would dare to say!

    Jesus, the name that calms my fears,
    that bids my sorrows cease.
    ‘Tis music in the sinner’s ears;
    ‘tis life and health and peace.

In this one brief stanza, the name of Jesus is said to calm our fears, tells our sorrows to go away, is like music to our ears, is our very life, keeps us healthy (heals), and brings with it a calming peace. The next stanza goes on to say that he breaks the power of cancelled sin, sets the prisoner free, and by his blood, makes the foulest clean. You go, Charles!

Need to be reminded of the presence of Christ in your life today? Sing a couple of meaningful hymnlines – maybe even these. Turn your fears and sorrows over to the One who can handle them. Bring music back to your silenced ears. Rediscover life embedded in his. Through his healing touch, become a more healthy follower. Find the peace that passes human understanding. Make your life a song. Have a nice day!

An arrangement of this hymn sung by the Choir from Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

1 comment:

  1. I woke up with the line ‘Tis life and health and Peace ringing in my heart as I was praying regarding our attitude towards the Corona Pandemic. I searched to find which hymn it was part of, and found the blog. Thank you for writing this. Yes, the name of Jesus is music to my ears. Focusing on His name calms every fear. God bless you.


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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)