Tuesday, September 23, 2014

“The church for you doth wait, her strength unequal to her task. Rise up, and make her great.”

Hymn: “Rise Up, O Men of God” - William P. Merrill (1867-1954)

“I can’t do this on my own.” “There’s more here to do than I can get done.” “My strength is unequal to my task.” We’ve all said something like this countless times in our lives. Some of us say to ourselves some variation on this every day of our lives.

As a church body, we need to admit this: our strength is unequal to our task. We rely completely on the power of Christ among us to guide us… yea, even pull us… toward the goal of worship, work and witness.

Because it is a sexist title, we sometimes avoid this hymn nowadays; in fact, it is omitted from several newer hymnals. However, when we do that, we are guilty of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, missing some not-to-be- forgotten truths – like this one.

I’ve mentioned several times that we need to pay attention “to whom” the hymn is addressed. In this case, we are singing to ourselves… to our fellow believers – not just the men folk! In modern-speak, we would say it like this: “Somebody needs to step up. There is no way that individually we can accomplish all that the church needs to do.” That’s not nearly as poetic, but that IS what we sing when these words pass our lips.

In order for the church to fulfill her mission – to be “great” – rank-and-file everyday members must step up. There are gaps in every church – places waiting to be filled by people whose gifts “fit” the empty space. The church is WAITING for individuals to strengthen weakened or non-existent ministries. The world is waiting. Christ is waiting.

Will I be the one who will rise up, and make her great? Will you?

The Northern Lights Chorale Sings This Hymn

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)