Friday, May 23, 2014

"Temptations lose their pow'r when thou art nigh."

"Temptations lose their pow'r when thou art nigh."
Hymn: “I Need Thee Every Hour” – Annie S. Hawks (1835-1918)
Tune: NEED

Temptation is a potent influence. It tugs at us, comes at us from every direction, pulls us down, wears us out, gives us chase. Most of us know where we are the most vulnerable – those areas which temptation seems to hold stronger sway than others.

There are some regions of my behavior in which I face no temptations. I’m not sure if I’m just wired to be more resistant there or if I have resisted for so long, certain temptations have simply given up attacking me!

We know that inducements to sin are instigated by the Evil One. That’s why Jesus taught us to pray to be delivered from evil. We may even come to times when we think we have passed a certain level of dominance over temptation… like my grandsons conquer levels in their video games. But even after Jesus’ three-tiered desert encounter with Satan, scripture tells us that Satan only left him alone for a season. In fact, if-and-when we think we are exempt, we are likely the most susceptible.

Near-walking with Jesus is our best protection. Even the most compelling distraction from righteousness is over-ridden by the presence of the Holy One.

Remember how on the old Batman television series those call-outs would pop up on the screen to indicate the spelled-out sound effects? Bam, zap, bang, boom, etc. In this case, temptations lose their “pow” when Jesus is near.

If you haven’t sung this hymn lately, you’re due a reminder! Sing this refrain to yourself because it is as true as it has ever been:
    I need thee, O I need thee. Every hour I need thee.
    O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee.

Hear This Hymn

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)