Friday, November 8, 2013

"Just when I need him, Jesus is."

Hymn: “Just When I Need Him Most” – William C. Poole (1875-1949)

The man who wrote this hymn died the year I was born, so it’s obviously an old hymn!

This gospel song is all about the constant availability of Jesus in our lives, and it describes for us who he is. According to this text, Jesus is
- near
- ready
- true
- giving
- strong
- never forsaking
- bearing my burdens
- answering
- tender
- watching
- comforting
- cheering
- giving a song.

What a great description of the friend we have in Jesus – and a great list for us to follow when we seek to be a friend to others… or when we are seeking out friends for ourselves.

The hymn also says “he is my all.” That puts him at the top of my list of loved ones. It’s a hard concept to understand or describe, but it prioritizes all others somewhere beneath him.

For me, it is comforting to know that “Jesus is”… period. Within all the descriptors included in this hymn text, I am reminded of the perpetual presence of Christ. He is persistent in his hanging around to be sure he is carrying out all the things on that list… continuous, unceasing – even relentless.

Just when I need him, Jesus is.

Sung by Catherine Gorman

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)