Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"Hold us who wait before thee."

Hymn: “Near to the Heart of God” – Words & Music: Cleland B. McAfee (1866-1944)
Tune: McAFEE

I’ve heard and read that everybody is revitalized by being hugged – that hugging actually recharges our emotional batteries and improves our attitude about ourselves and our day. I’ve even heard that all of us need a certain number (it varies) of hugs per day.

I didn’t start out being comfortable with friendly, congenial hugging; I avoided it whenever possible. I remember my entire system stiffening whenever someone walked across the room and threw their arms around me. I was “called out on it” at the age of 25, and began to let myself enjoy being a huggee… and eventually enjoy the hugger.

This quiet, soothing, healing hymn calls to mind so many comforting thoughts about the positioning possibilities of our relationship with the Lord Christ. I reminds us that proximity matters… and that we should seek that immediacy – that if we live always in his vicinity, we don’t have to run far to find him.

This simple hymnline is repeated in each refrain, and it is a sincere, heart-felt prayer of mine: to be hugged by the Savior… to be embraced tightly by his everlasting arms… to be invigorated by the encompassing experience. Sometimes I need a gentle embrace; other times I need a bear hug.

It is also a request to be held-onto – to not be released. In theological terms it’s called the security of the believer, and many Christian denominations hold to that tenet… and it is every Christian’s prayer. Unlike the country song, “Please Release Me,” this hymnline begs for safekeeping. Max Lucado’s book IN THE GRIP OF GRACE comes to mind.

Hopefully, today you’ll get your requisite number of hugs… both gentle and bear-like. May each genuine human embrace serve as a reminder that you are constantly encircled by the arms of the One whose hands are nail-scarred. It might just make you seek out and give out more hugs.

This Hymn Sung by Christian Berdahl

Hear Gary Chapman Discuss and Sing This Hymn

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Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)

Hymnlines - Hemlines: Get it?! :)